About Us
We believe that in every land there is a site of particular spiritual intensity. In Israel this site is obviously located in Jerusalem on Temple Mount. In France the equivalent site is at Chartres. In Ireland we suspect the focus of ultimate spirituality is at the Hill of Tara. We have always known that in Britain the site of preeminent spiritual significance is at Glastonbury.
These sites are of special significance to us and all men but particularly to those who live are born in the shadow of the place indicated even if that shadow extends to cover the entire nation. We use the word shadow in this instance because whereas in France, Chartres is like a beacon of light that illuminates that county, in England our sacred site upon our most sacred Earth is embellished not by a magnificent cathedral but rather by a ruin.
Thus our country languishes in a spiritual shadow. Nevertheless we know that Glastonbury is a special place and despite it being a ruin millions travel to Glastonbury and Glastonbury Abbey every year and feel the spirit of that place.
It is our contention that in order to renew and restore the spiritual essence of our nation we must rebuild Glastonbury Abbey, and if we do so that people will come there in droves. We must rebuild Glastonbury Abbey to rekindle the flame that burns in the soul of our nation and if we build it, they will come.
(Note that we are not affiliated with any church or charity. We haver no agenda or political involvement. We just want to see the Abbey rebuilt because we believe it will rekindle the spirit of all that is good in our green and precious land.)